Vera Andrew TherapyBritish - Russian Humanistic Integrative Therapist and Counsellor
Online and in South London

Entering therapy is a decision that will empower you and bring benefits. Talking through your thoughts, feelings and experiences and being truly heard is healing in itself, and there is also the added benefit of gaining clarity. You can use therapy to think through any decisions or changes that you wish to make in your life.

As you gain an understanding of your present situation and discover more about yourself, your well-being will improve. Many clients report feeling relieved and more positive after the first session, while others report improvement in symptoms such as anxiety after as few as six sessions.

We will discuss your circumstances, expectations and length of work in the initial session. I will be glad to answer the questions you may have about my approach and the therapy process.

Here is what my former clients say:

“I had spent a number of months engaging in the various 12 Step based topic group sessions you took and was always impressed with your professional attitude, especially with the way you encouraged me to engage when I felt I didn’t need to because I was still hanging onto pride.
I did learn from my sessions with you that there was hope in the journey I was taking and there were no shortcuts to changing my life.
At the time you were a new member of staff and you quickly earned the respect from me and the other service users in the group that I was attending.
Thank you very much for your wholehearted support in my recovery.”
- M, London, commenting on my work in the public sector

“Vera entered my life at a very low time for me. I was broken in many aspects. She helped me to understand my negative feelings, to challenge myself and to set small goals - to live again. Through Vera I managed to realise it was not my responsibility to make everything and everyone happy but to breathe and grow myself. A truly inspirational lady, professional, patient and very kind.”
- G, London, on individual therapy

“We are a multicultural family and because of it (but not only) we had some problems in communication (different backgrounds and culture). Therapy was our life vest. The alternative was a break-up. And I am glad we did therapy. After therapy me and my husband have not had conflicts for about two years. I have never been as happy as that time. I think it is worth repeating it every a few years if you feel you are losing the connection with your spouse.”
- K and C, Russia/US, on couple therapy

"Вера является моим коучем и психологом уже почти 2 года. Наше сотрудничество началось в очень сложный для меня период как в профессиональном, так и личном плане. Занятия с Верой помогли мне привести в порядок мои мысли и чувства, приоритизировать задачи, наметить и реализовать план моих действий. Результатом было получение мной новой должности. Уверена, что наше дальнейшее сотрудничество с Верой будет так же продуктивно. Спасибо за профессионализм!"
- ЛГ, Москва, о коучинге и индивидуальной терапии

"Vera has been my coach and psychotherapist for nearly 2 years. Our cooperation began at a very difficult period for me, both professionally and personally. Sessions with Vera helped me put my thoughts and feelings in order, prioritize tasks, outline and implement my plan of action. The result was my new position. I am sure that our further cooperation with Vera will also be productive. Thank you for your professionalism!"
- LG, Moscow, on coaching and individual therapy

I work online and in Balham. Please email me to book the initial session or call me on +44 7918 867 061 or +7 929 949 1956.

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